Accidental Eavesdropping: 19 People Share the Most Disturbing Thing They Overheard
Daniel Bonfiglio
Sometimes we overhear things we're not supposed to and that can shatter our lives.
Multiple people in this collection of disturbing eavesdropping shared stories with Alzheimer's patients, who let slip deep secrets from their younger lives. One woman even confessed to murder, or at the very least, a coverup.
Read that story and 19 others from people who accidentally overheard disturbing things that stuck with them forever.
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I was at a dance club in Mexico once. I was headed to the bathroom, but there were a ton of people crowding the entrance and they were quietly talking in a single conversation with each other, (I do not speak Spanish). I figured it was just a line, so I queued up behind the group. Another local guy lined up behind me and after a few minutes tapped me on the shoulder. He and I had the following conversation:
Him: "Do you speak Spanish?"
"Lo siento, no. English."
"These guys are planning on killing someone and are worried that you're listening to them. You should leave right now." So that was pretty scary. -
I was traveling back home from a work trip last year, about an hour from boarding the plane. A woman on the seats behind me answered her phone and let out the saddest wail I’ve ever heard because the person on the other end told her that her son had died. It was extremely sad and weird to think that there were so many witnesses to probably one of the worst moments in her life. -
I think the craziest thing about working with or around elderly women at the ends of their lives is hearing this kind of stuff. It was so common, and the women kept it a secret until they have dementia either from a fatal illness or Alzheimer's.
I found out someone I know might have committed a murder of an adult and definitely committed a record erasure and possibly murder of a preemie baby when she was around 20, she let it slip at age 92 -
I was in the ER due to kidney stones, overheard a man next door wailing because his father suffered from a heart attack during a baseball game they went to. “We were at the ball game… just having a good time… we were just having a good time….” For a brief moment I didn’t feel pain in my kidney . -
Earlier in my career, I went from school to school to work with kids with visual impairments (some Braille, some tech). I was in a room for kids with intellectual disabilities and vision impairments, waiting for my student to come out of the bathroom. Two parapros in the room were talking about how they had to watch another student's pants in case they saw blood. One said, "The dad got out of jail so we have to report if we see blood on her."
I must have done something with my face because the classroom teacher came over and asked what I'd heard. She told me that the girl's dad hit his daughters to prevent pregnancy. While he was in jail, their mom married him so he would be living with them. And the mom was pregnant. I wish I had stood somewhere else that day while I waited for my student. -
Probably less disturbing, more so chilling and saddening. I overheard the conversation between my mother and father when my father decided he was going to stop cancer treatment and was ready to die. We all knew that this was going to happen eventually. He had received a three month prognosis and ended up lasting over two years. You don't really beat stage four brain cancer. So I wasn't disturbed or shocked or anything, just very sad. -
My mum would usually have her friend over most days and they would sit in the kitchen and talk for hours. Mum's friend was not so recently divorced and was always talking about guys she was seeing on the regular. The dining room table where they'd sit and talk was right under my bedroom and I'd always drown out their conversations with my stereo or TV. One day I was doing homework and could hear them talking. Mum's friend had a daughter who was around 16-17 and the friend was complaining that her daughter was well endowed, that she would get loads of attention, and that she hated that all the guys would look at her daughter and not her. The friend then admitted she had been crushing up all kinds of diet pills into her daughter's food to stop her growing. -
Probably my mom telling my dad I knew from the very beginning that she, (me), wouldn't amount to anything. She probably said it out of anger and didn't mean it or whatever, but after all these years I can feel my heart sinking whenever I'm reminded of it. -
One of my friends was killed in action. A few days later I overheard that when his remains were collected, they were basically scooping them into a stuff sack, and hosing off the rest. The guy who related it was traumatized over the fact he had to reach into that sack to try to find his dog tags. The two talking didn’t know we’d known each other for years. -
My great grandmother, delirious on her deathbed, was talking to herself, or a ghost, but she was saying she was sorry for not protecting you/her. She went on to talk about how her only baby daughter used to bang her crib against the wall, and one day my drunk of a great grandfather got sick of it and slammed her against the wall. She went to check on her and she was limp. She died 18 hours later and my great grandfather buried her in the backyard. -
A girl at my highschool telling her friend about the time she caught her ex cheating on her. With his 13 year old sister. She called the cops on him. -
My mom was talking to a cousin late one night. She didn't know I was close enough to hear. I learned that night just how many men in my family were creeps. -
I've never told anyone this, but when I was 17 my mom drove us to the ER because she wasn't feeling well. Turned out she had diabetes and her sugar was super high. We waited a bit, and she started treatment. All of a sudden I heard beeping and people started rushing in, someone grabbed me, and shoved me into a waiting area. Before I was fully out the door I heard my mom screaming, "I can't breathe please help me!" Those were the last words I heard from my mother, she died the next day. -
One time long ago there was a Wailers show in Norfolk, Va. That night I took some shrooms and instead of watching the show just wandered off on a tour. Went all sorts of interesting places (or at least they all seemed great at the time), but eventually for some reason I climbed a tree. Looked like a good one and I was on drugs, what can I say? So I’m chilling in this tree at night in the city like 15 feet up just silent and high.
These two guys walk below the tree chatting. One guy says to the other, “it gets crazy in there I know, I stabbed someone.” “Wow.” “Someone came at me, I had to.” And they walked off.
Talk about holding your breath haha. -
My schizophrenic mother crying about the people in the walls murdering her ex-boyfriend by tearing him apart at 4am. She hadn't talked to the dude since before I was born. I was already into horror/gore stuff as a teen, so it didn't traumatize me quite as much. -
A buddy called me to cancel plans because he was sick. He put the phone down but didn’t hang up. I heard him say, “Ok. Out of that. What are we going to do?”
Heard another voice name a bar. So I went there too. So basically I made the night purposefully awkward. Now it’s 20 years later and we are still buds. Look back on it and laugh. -
My ex-grandma trying to talk my mom into keeping her first two kids, and giving up us other three up for adoption. -
Heard upper management talking about who they hooked up with in the office, and who was on their list to conquer. They forgot I worked on the other side of the wall until I walked around to ask them something. I pretended like I didn't hear anything, but their faces turned white while talking to me. I was gonna keep it to myself but I guess they got scared and I got let go not too long after that. -
The first, and only time, my husband and I were visiting our best friend’s ex. We were in bed, but I was awake. Our good friend, and their six-year-old son were also in bed. Heard her ex in the adjacent living room, discussing with a buddy that he would like to “take her out” followed with “I would never hurt the kid, just want to get rid of her.” I absolutely knew he was serious and told her when we left the next morning. She is still alive but I know she changed her habits after that revelation. God what an absolute scumbag.
- Accidental Eavesdropping: 19 People Share the Most Disturbing Thing They Overheard
- The American 1976 Bicentennial, Told In 37 Photos
I was at a dance club in Mexico once. I was headed to the bathroom, but there were a ton of people crowding the entrance and they were quietly talking in a single conversation with each other, (I do not speak Spanish). I figured it was just a line, so I queued up behind the group. Another local guy lined up behind me and after a few minutes tapped me on the shoulder. He and I had the following conversation:
Him: "Do you speak Spanish?"
"Lo siento, no. English."
"These guys are planning on killing someone and are worried that you're listening to them. You should leave right now." So that was pretty scary.